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No. of Bed
Low Season
690 US$
High Season
863 US$
Peak Season
1150 US$
Price per Night
Our Service
  • Airport transfer by private car, food starter pack, tourist assistance..
  • Villa Details
  • Seminyak,
  • 25 minutes to the Airport
  • 15 minutes

  • 1400 m² Property Area
  • 500 m² Building Area
  • Swimming pool: 70 m² salt water pool
  • 3 Bathrooms
  • Employees
  • Manager : 1
  • Cook : 2
  • House Keeper : 2
  • Gardener : 2
  • Security Guard : 2
  • Facilities

  • Sumatra villa is located in a very quiet place surrounded by other luxury villas but a stone's throw from the beach and the most up coming spots of Oberoi, such as finest restaurants, shops and best entertainment places. The international airport is 25 minutes from the villa.

    Villa Sumatra is designed from an authentic old Sumatran wood house which has been restored and decorated constituting the amazing master bedroom on the top of the main building. The rest is more modern but include local materials and decoration such as coconut and teak wood, tadalak, terracotta and stones. The tropical garden surrounded on one side by a river comprises a large traditional gazebo, a 14 meter long salt water system swimming pool. This unique villa offers to the guests plenty of different places to enjoy their holidays with large and comfortable common areas as well as smaller other spots to propose more privacy.

    This 500 m2 building nestled on 1400 m2 tropical garden features a main building with downstairs, a huge living area, a TV room with a large TV screen, a well equipped kitchen, an open space dinning room, a bedroom and a mid open air bathroom. Upstairs in the traditional renovated Sumatra house a large and amazing master bedroom and its ensuite bathroom offer a large space area designed as a pure loft.
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